Sunday, October 17, 2010

Camp Birchwood

I believe that everybody deserves the chance to go to summer camp. It is an amazing opportunity and the best place I have ever been to. At my camp, Camp Birchwood, there are so many  activity choices and I achieve so much more than I do at home. At home I sleep in until 11 everyday and usually never clean my room or do anything until nighttime. At camp, I'm up at 8 o'clock every morning, must clean my bunk and the shelves around it, and have finished my first activity by 11 o'clock. That's a huge difference. Also, camp is so much more fun because instead of living with your parents, you get to live with 2 counselors close to your age for a whole month, not to mention the 11 other campers living in your cabin. By the end of the session, you get to leave knowing you will have 11 have sisters waiting for you next summer to pick right back up on the fun. One of my favorite parts of camp is sailing. This summer I got accepted into my camp's leadership program where I was a 'senior camper' and assisted in sailing every day. I loved just being out on the water for 3 hours a day with my only control being me and feeling free. Also, I enjoyed teaching the campers how to sail and different skills for their awards. The biggest satisfaction is when a camper you've been helping all session gets their award and you get to watch their excitement as they told all of their friends and counselors. All of these things just add to the true magic of summer camp, nothing at all like home.

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